-Butyl Tape
-Ceiling & Wall Access Panels
-Egress Window Wells (Boman Kemp)
-Roof & Floor Hatches
-Skylights & Domes (Fakro) Attic Ladders (Fakro)
-Window Well Grates and Fiberglass Covers
-Window Sealants (Np1/Tremco)
-Window Foams (Powerfoam Dewalt)
-Exterior Building Cleaner (Blue Bear)
Target Building Materials is your premium source for specialty building products. We carry a large selection of sealants, ceiling tiles, foundation, water proofing, insulation, tooling, safety and concrete products.
Our Showroom is located off County Rd. 42 Opposite Windsor Airport Terminal.
3245 County Rd. 42
Windsor, ON N8V O85
Spring Hours:
Monday to Friday